
Content Marketing Media Logo



Business Insider

Business Insider

Professionally Written

Unlimited Revisions

Includes Brand Logo

Access to 95+ Million Visitors

"As Seen On" Logos

Comprehensive Reporting

Published in 3 Days

Indexed On Search Engines and News Aggregators

Visibility Images

Add an additional 500+ Media and News Outlets for $99

Access to an additional 22+ million viewers monthly

View Sample Report Now

Detailed analysis of your website, offering significant recommendations to improve your on-site SEO and search results $299

View Sample Report Now

Perfect for those looking for immediate media exposure and visibility



The Associated Press and MSN

The AP

Professionally Written

Unlimited Revisions

Includes Brand Logo

Access to 156+ Million Visitors

"As Seen On" Logos

Comprehensive Reporting

Published in 3 Days

Indexed On Search Engines and News Aggregators

Visibility Images

Add an additional 500+ Media and News Outlets for $99

Access to an additional 22+ million viewers monthly

View Sample Report Now

Detailed analysis of your website, offering significant recommendations to improve your on-site SEO and search results $299

View Sample Report Now

Great opportunity to be syndicated across the AP Network and MSN



Yahoo and MarketWatch

Yahoo Finance

Professionally Written

Unlimited Revisions

Includes Brand Logo

Access to 291+ Million Visitors

"As Seen On" Logos

Comprehensive Reporting

Published in 3 Days

Indexed On Search Engines and News Aggregators

Visibility Images

Add an additional 500+ Media and News Outlets for $99

Access to an additional 22+ million viewers monthly

View Sample Report Now

Detailed analysis of your website, offering significant recommendations to improve your on-site SEO and search results $299

View Sample Report Now

Get immediate visibility for Financial Communications or International News

Intro Plan

Professional Creation of a Unique News Article, Blog, Slideshow, Video, Podcast, and Infographic every month

Unlimited Revisions

Indexed by all Major Search Engines

Access to 461 Million + Viewers per month

"As Seen On" Logos

Comprehensive Reporting of All Placements

SEO Focus to ensure content places well on Google and all major search engines

Content Plans to Support Client Objectives

Guaranteed Keyword Placements of 100 + Keywords per month

Guaranteed Top 3 Rankings of your Google Business Profile for relevant terms within 6 months

Monthly meeting with client to discuss results

Detailed Support for Google Analytics, Google Search Console and SEO Results with SemRush

Advanced Research with Artificial Intelligence

Pause and/or restart the Subscription to align with business needs

Cancel Anytime

Detailed analysis of your website, offering

significant recommendations to improve your on-site SEO and search results $299

View Sample Report Now

Business Plan

Professional Creation of a Unique News Article, Blog, Slideshow, Video, Podcast, and Infographic every month

Unlimited Revisions

Indexed by all Major Search Engines

Access to 766 Million + Viewers per month

"As Seen On" Logos

Comprehensive Reporting of All Placements

SEO Focus to ensure content places well on Google and all major search engines

Content Plans to Support Client Objectives

Guaranteed Keyword Placements of 150 + Keywords per month

Guaranteed Top 3 Rankings of your Google Business Profile for relevant terms within 6 months

Monthly meeting with client to discuss results

Detailed Support for Google Analytics, Google Search Console and SEO Results with SemRush

Pause and/or restart the Subscription to align with business needs

Cancel Anytime

Detailed analysis of your website, offering

significant recommendations to improve your on-site SEO and search results $299

View Sample Report Now

Premium plan

Professional Creation of a Unique News Article, Blog, Slideshow, Video, Podcast, and Infographic every month

Unlimited Revisions

Indexed by all Major Search Engines

Access to 1.2 Billion + Viewers per month

"As Seen On" Logos

Comprehensive Reporting of All Placements

SEO Focus to ensure content places well on Google and all major search engines

Content Plans to Support Client Objectives

Guaranteed Keyword Placements of 200 + Keywords per month

Monthly meeting with client to discuss results

Detailed Support for Google Analytics, Google Search Console and SEO Results with SemRush

Advanced Research with Artificial Intelligence

Pause and/or restart the Subscription to align with business needs

Cancel Anytime

Detailed analysis of your website, offering

significant recommendations to improve your on-site SEO and search results $299

View Sample Report Now

ONE-OFF      ($299+)
INTRO   ($999/MONTH)
Professionally Written Content
Guaranteed Placements





Unlimited Revisions
"As Seen On" Logos
Comprehensive Reporting 
Custom Blog
SEO Focused Content
Guaranteed Keyword Placement
Guaranteed Google Business Results
Monthly Client Reporting
Google Analytics Support
Google Search Console Support
Monthly Client Meeting  
Detailed Keyword Reporting
Domain Authority 90+
Detailed SEO Analysis (Semrush) 
Direct Access to the Founder
Guaranteed Keyword Results





How do we get started?

To complete your purchase or subscription, please proceed to checkout. We offer secure payment processing through Stripe. Manage your payments and subscriptions conveniently by logging in with your email at our payment portal. After payment, an invoice will be sent to you. Within 48 hours, expect a welcome email from us.

Do you require contracts or retainers?

Our services, including one-off articles and subscriptions, require upfront payment. Subscriptions are billed monthly, with the option for clients to pause as needed. Consider our service as an on-demand resource for your content needs. However, it's important to note that consistent publishing is key to achieving organic growth and traffic.

Do you work with local and international clients?

We do work with local and international clients. We currently have clients in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, Scotland, and Germany. The attached list shows the industries and countries we currently operate in.

What Sites are Included and What are the possible views of my content?

We've included a list of our premium publications and approximate monthly views.

Are refunds offered?

In the unlikely event that we are unable to publish the content as promised, we prioritize customer satisfaction by guaranteeing a full refund within 30 days. Our commitment is to maintain transparency and reliability in all our services.

What type of reporting do you provide?

Here is an example of the reports we provide. If you are on a package, you will get this report every month we publish for you. (Sample)

What are the topics you are not able to cover?

Comprehensive List of Topics Content Marketing Media Does Not Cover

Political and Civil Elements

  • Strong political opinions/views.
  • Topics about elections, government bodies, policies, or civil news.

Radical Religious Views

  • Releases with strong religious opinions or intent to promote a specific religion.

Opinionated or Hateful Views

  • Content with hateful elements, inciting hate, or profanity.
  • Opinion-based content.

Legal Cases or Lawsuits

  • Content related to legal cases or lawsuits.

Illegal or Controversial Topics

  • Content promoting firearms, armory, or weaponry.
  • Content related to prostitution, sex toys, or sexual services.
  • Content on device unlocking, jail-breaking, or rooting.
  • Content on pirated software or illegal downloads.
  • Content promoting alcohol, tobacco, e-cigs, or vapes.
  • Content on deep fake or controversial AI solutions.

Psychoactive Drugs

  • Content promoting psychoactive drugs like THC, Marijuana, or Kratom.

Making Money Online, Loans, and Trading

  • Content on making money online or quick money schemes.
  • Excessive promotion of loans or trading products/services.

Stock Market and Market Rumors

  • Commentary on the stock market or public companies.
  • Content based on market rumors or unverifiable claims.
  • Unauthorized stock ticker symbols.

Betting or Gambling

  • Content associated with gambling or betting.

Excessive Promotional Content or Non-news

  • Overly promotional releases or non-news content.

Health Products, Treatments, and Body Modifications

  • Alternative weight loss product promotions.
  • Affiliate promotion of health supplements.
  • Content on body modification procedures.

Mystical or Pseudoscience Elements

  • Promotion of mystical or psychic services.

Sexual and Love Life Content

  • Promotion of explicit content, products, services, or sexual enhancement products.
  • Content promoting dating and relationship products.

Blockchain-Related Content

  • Monetary-driven blockchain press releases.
  • Comparison with other crypto or NFT assets.
  • Speculative or opinion-based blockchain content.
  • Promotion of coin or scam recovery services.

Publicly Listed Company

  • Unauthorized stock ticker symbols.
  • Content focusing on a publicly listed company unless from the company itself.

Malicious or Inauthentic Piggybacking

  • Content with the intent of piggybacking on notable names or brands.

Non-English Content

  • Generally, non-English press releases.

What are the topics you can cover in a limited release?

Summary of Topics Accepted Only on the Limited Package:

  • Acquisitions & Partnerships
  • Aesthetic Surgeries
  • Alcohol
  • Alternative Medicine / Metaphysical (Psychics, Tarot Cards, Healing Crystals, etc)
  • Betting, Casinos, & Sports Picks
  • Dating
  • Financial Trading (Forex, Options, Binary, etc)
  • Scam & Fraud Recovery Services
  • Live Streaming & Broadcasting
  • Legal Cases
  • Legal Marijuana / CBD
  • Music with Explicit Content Labels
  • Pharmacy / Legal Drugs
  • Religion
  • Rewards & Play-to-earn
  • Selling Social Media Interactions
  • Supplements
  • Swimwear / Underwear / Leggings
  • Third Parties
  • Weapons

Here is an example of a limited distribution: (sample report)

How do backlinks grow my website?

Around 95% of the backlinks we provide are follow links. For instance, publications like Business Insider offer follow links, while others may not. It is widely recognized that Google values a blend of follow and no-follow links, with the latter also contributing to organic traffic and keyword performance. Our service ensures authoritative backlinks, akin to receiving a referral from prestigious sources such as Yahoo Finance and Business Insider, which link directly back to your website. Below is a sample of what your backlink profile could resemble with our services (backlinks example)

Can I share the content that was created about my business?

Absolutely, and you should. Tools like Social Media and your website can only help expand the reach of the content we have created for you.

Where is the Podcast Posted?

Today we publish your Podcast to Apple, Amazon, and Google. We also publish to some podcast aggregator sites as well.

Do the news articles go away after a certain time?

While this is possible, it is unlikely. Yahoo has ultimate control for example, of how long they will maintain a published article on their site. Our experience says that they will stay published for the long term, and we have no evidence to show otherwise. Unlike a paid ad or Google PPC, which stops driving you organic traffic the second you stop paying the source.

Are these articles Sponsored Content or Advertisements?

This is very site specific. Some sites like Yahoo, include our distributor. Other sites reference the article as a press release in the URL. Even others, there is no indication of sponsored, advertisement, or press release. View our sample report to see the content for yourself

(Sample Report)

Will my business get results?

We assure measurable outcomes in every facet of our service. From featuring your business content on esteemed news platforms to enhancing organic keywords and growth, our approach consistently yields tangible results. Our portfolio includes numerous case studies that showcase the significant impact we've achieved for our clients, underscoring our commitment to delivering convincing and effective solutions

What are keywords and why does this work?

Our expertise lies in understand Google search patterns, especially in the evolution of AI. For example, while searching for the same item, people use different phrases – in fact, 10% of Google searches next year will be completely new. By targeting the actual keywords used, you achieve better results. Google Ads excel in capturing high-profile keywords (which is why it is so competitive and expensive). Our strategy focuses on aggregating these keywords rather than chasing the most popular ones, and it proves successful.

How can I track my ROI and Measure your results?

Our reporting will include links to every publication as well as organic keywords obtained. Moreover, within Google Analytics, you can track impressions, clicks, etc. from any source. Additionally, in (your) Google Search Console, you are able to see backlinks being built. We are able to provide training on this for you as part of our packages. Additionally, we use tools like SemRush and Ahrefs to measure keyword trends and organic traffic for you.

How does increasing my Organic Keywords and Traffic help me equate to a measurable ROI?

Organic traffic, distinct from paid, direct, or social media-driven traffic, stems from searches for your business name or relevant keywords. This desired traffic grows naturally and cannot be artificially boosted. Understanding the revenue impact of each new website lead helps gauge the ROI of increasing organic traffic.

For example, if 100 people visit your site today, and only 3 become a customer, at an average spend of $2000, then an increase in traffic of 33% would equate to one new customer on average per month. If you are on intro package of $999, your ROI would be 200%.

What do you need from me?

We would like you to be involved in approving the content we create. We want to tell the story that represents your brand. That being said, we will adjust to your needs and evolve accordingly.